
120 - Playing With Balls in the Back Yard

In today's episode, Adam started out by chastising a listener in the chat room who told him he is too old to be wearing necklaces. We then proceed to the normal run update by Daniel and a review of the Survivor season finale. Adam and Daniel were not pleased with who won. There were definitely spoilers, so if you haven't watched it, you should watch first before listening to the show.

Adam talked about a recent generous gift that he gave to some family members who are struggling because of a medical situation. Adam didn't feel he received a proper thank you. Daniel thinks Adam should be satisfied with knowing he did a good deed. Next Daniel covers a transgender woman who won a swim competition in the past. People are trying to get the medals removed because they don't think it was fair due to her transgender status.

In the Contact segment, we covered an email from a listener who says Daniel is not framed correctly in his video. Apparently not enough of his luscious beard is in view due to microphone placement. We also got a LOT of death phone calls.

We then move on to the News Quiz and Test Kitchen, where the highlight is the discussion of World Dracula day, and birthdays of Lenny Kravitz, Bobcat Goldthwait, and Hank Williams, Jr.

In the final segment Adam and Daniel discuss some thieves who have been stealing Daniels Mangos.

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