
117 - Running Towards McDonalds

Adam and Daniel return from their Magical Disney Trip and have lots to say about the trip. First off, Daniel gives us an update on his training since the 10k. He has kept it up and booked a couple more runs for 2023. He even asks Adam if Marc will do a run with him when they visit Arkansas in December. Apparently the Frosty 5k is at the right time.

Next they go through a recap of the Disney trip. Daniel thinks Adam is way too critical of the entire experience. Adam says he loved the trip and just had a few criticisms that he has called out on podcasts to be funny. Adam and Marc fell asleep in the American Adventure show and got hell from Daniel. Adam also talks about his new love of the sexy tumble monkeys in the Animal Kingdom Lion King show. They are SOOOO hott!!!

Finally we did the Test Kitchen, where we talk about things that happened on the same day of the month as this year. Notable items are National Hairball Awareness Day, and birthdays of Drew and Jonathan Scott, and Jay Leno.

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