
116 - You Look Like the Travelocity Gnome

In this episode we start on time!! Adam made it back from his haircut by using the GPS. Daniel gives his standard run update as he prepares for his final week of training for the Disney marathon. Much to Daniel's dismay, Adam discusses he and Marc's planning for their summer trips in the Northeast US and Iceland. Daniel was hoping they were Florida/Disney plans.

Daniel updates us on his deep dive into AI and usage of the various tools available. But instead of a deep dive into ChatGTP, Daniel decided he should use one of those avatar generators to create an image of himself. One of them looks similar to the Travelocity gnome.

We also spent a bit of time talking about marketing of The Mix podcast and things we need to do in order to get more listeners including a possible name change, Instagram account, and Tiktok videos. We are moving on up!!

Finally we did the normal segments of News Game, and Test Kitchen, where we talk about things that happened on the same day of the month as this year. Notable items are National Beer Day, National Beaver Day and birthdays of Russel Crowe and Francis Ford Coppola.

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